Your journey with FlowVeda is important to us. We are dedicated to providing consistent support and clear answers to your questions as you pursue enhanced cognitive performance. We’re here with you, every step of the way.

  • Quality Assurance
  • Feedback Integration
  • Personalized Support
  • Innovative Research

For any inquiries or additional details about
FlowVeda, feel free to reach out to our devoted
customer service team. You can send your questions
to support@flowveda.com or, if you prefer to speak
with someone directly, call us at (800) 595 – 7880. A
customer representative will return your call within
one business day, ensuring your utmost satisfaction.

Popular Questions​

Flow refers to the flow state, or the zone, people can enter that optimizes productivity and performance recognized through one’s heightened focus, clarity, relaxed alertness and enjoyment. Veda in sanskrit means universal knowledge, understanding or wisdom, and often refers to the ancient Vedic texts taught in ancient India and as part of the teaching of yoga. FlowVeda is intended to help individual’s optimize the physical and mental conditions to enter the flow state more often over time.  Our products, research, resources and community are an ongoing evolution of understanding, establishing and accessing this state of being. Our mission depends on the success of your quest to realize daily excellence in fulfilling your life’s passion, purpose and potential.

A nootropic is a drug, supplement, or other substance that may improve cognitive function, particularly executive functions, memory, creativity, or motivation, in healthy individuals. While many companies and people claim the advent of nootropics, or “smart drugs”, started in the last decade, the term “nootropic” was coined by Romanian chemist and psychologist Corneliu E. Giurgea in 1972. He defined nootropics as agents that should:

  1. Enhance learning and memory.
  2. Enhance the resistance of learned behaviors/memories to conditions which tend to disrupt them.
  3. Protect the brain against various physical or chemical injuries.
  4. Increase the efficacy of the tonic cortical/subcortical control mechanisms.
  5. Lack the usual pharmacology of other psychotropic drugs and possess very few side effects and extremely low toxicity.

Yes. We created FlowVeda to holistically optimize the physical and mental conditions to facilitate entering a flow state, or “get in the zone”, maximizing peak performance and productivity over time. FlowVeda is made of ayurvedic ingredients that have been used for over three thousand years that promote the delicate balance of mind, body and spirit, combined with vitamins (B6 and B9) and amino acids (L-tyrosine and L-theanine) that: reduces stress, anxiety and fatigue; improves focus, memory, alertness and cognitive function; and promotes brain health, neuroplasticity and neuro protection, growth and function.

Flow state is a mental state in which a person is fully immersed in an activity, experiencing heightened focus, clarity, and enjoyment, leading to optimal performance and intrinsic motivation. When in this state, people often lose track of time and experience a sense of profound absorption and optimal experience. Flow can be experienced in a wide variety of activities, including artistic endeavors, sports, writing, gaming, or even simple day-to-day tasks. People often seek activities that induce flow because they are inherently rewarding and can lead to heightened creativity and performance. Studies have shown that productivity and performance can be increased 500% when functioning within a flow state

If you’re interested in quick fixes, temporary boosts or synthetic highs, look elsewhere.  You won’t realize change in 30 minutes, like many of our competitors describe.  If you experience a synthetic boost in that time, it is a sign you may want to understand what you are putting in your body and ask why.    

We believe in the transformative power of our nootropic.  Results from clinical studies on our ingredients support it.  We’ve experienced it ourselves.  All in under two months.  We want to give you the worry-free opportunity to see for yourself!  That’s why we’re offering you a risk-free, two-month trial to feel the benefits for your mind, body and life.  It’s a great kickstart to leveling up your life’s trajectory and becoming the person you always dreamed of being.

When you’re ready for long-term, holistic development of mental and physical conditions that foster flow states, peak performance and becoming your best, choose FlowVeda.  Our formula supports lifelong conditioning that is healthy for your mind and body.  Coupled with utilizing our resources or your own daily practice (ie. meditation, exercise, yoga, reading), you can unleash unrealized potential and accelerate your alignment and growth towards fulfilling your life’s purpose.  

Our commitment to transparency, sustainability, and clean ingredients ensures you’re consuming a product that not only boosts cognitive function but also aligns with ethical consumerism. Each batch undergoes rigorous testing for potency and purity, affirming our dedication to excellence.

FlowVeda functions by integrating a blend of rigorously researched ingredients, each renowned for their cognitive and physiological benefits. Within ten days of starting the supplement, expect the amino acids L-tryosine and L-theanine to begin exhibiting their effects, promoting alertness and combating fatigue. As one continues consumption, the benefits from the Ayurvedic components are steadily felt, accelerating to a base level by week six. This continuous and synergistic action of the ingredients lays the foundation for the user to improve the conditions of the mind and body to more easily experience the flow state over time. We stand by our formulation and offer a 60-day money-back guarantee on our Starter Kit, emphasizing our confidence in FlowVeda’s efficacy.

FlowVeda is designed to enhance the entire spectrum of cognitive functions, improving your biology increasingly over time, and its effects can manifest in various exhilarating ways:

  • Overall Cognitive Boost: Generally, anticipate a refined alertness, magnified focus, enriched memory recall, crystal-clear mental clarity, swift information processing, extended attention span, surging motivation, and an uplifting mood.
  • Social Interactions: Navigate social settings with increased confidence, eloquence, and an enriched ability to connect and communicate.
  • Physical Activities: Whether you’re working out or engaging in sports, feel an amplified motivation, zeal, and stamina.
  • Professional Sphere: Witness heightened concentration, sharper focus, and an innate ability to multitask effortlessly at your workplace.
  • Academic Endeavors: While studying or researching, experience a sustained alertness and an extended capacity to immerse yourself, absorbing information with ease.
  • Competitive Scenarios: Revel in quicker reaction times, bolstered strategic formulation, and an enriched decision-making prowess.

FlowVeda’s unique formulation, being a next-generation nootropic, is tailored to optimize a multitude of brain functions. The result? An enhancement in every dimension of your life, pushing you closer to your peak performance.

FlowVeda is formulated using ingredients with well-established safety profiles. These ingredients do not have any known common side effects for the majority of the population. However, just as with any supplement or health product, individual reactions may vary due to genetics, allergies, or other personal factors. Should you or any consumer experience unexpected symptoms or adverse reactions, it’s essential to discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

Absolutely. FlowVeda is committed to not only supporting cognitive health but also to ensuring a clean and sustainable footprint. Each ingredient used in our formulation is sourced from non-GMO, organic farms that employ sustainable agricultural practices. These practices guarantee minimal impact on the environment, conserving biodiversity, soil health, and water resources. Furthermore, our commitment to transparency is backed by a blockchain system, which ensures every ingredient can be traced back to its point of origin. This level of authenticity and traceability instills confidence in our consumers, assuring them that they are consuming a product that aligns with the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

FlowVeda’s recommended intake varies based on the duration of use. For the first two months, we suggest a daily intake of three capsules before breakfast to establish a foundation in your system. After the initial two months, we provide a flexible dosing regimen to cater to individual needs. You can opt for:

  • Silver Plan: Two capsules daily, suitable for maintenance and mild cognitive support.
  • Gold Plan: Three capsules daily, ideal for moderate cognitive enhancement and routine stress management.
  • Platinum Plan: Four capsules daily, best for those seeking maximum cognitive boost or facing particularly high mental demands.

It’s essential to choose a dosage plan in alignment with your personal goals and health profile.

Yes, FlowVeda is formulated with a steadfast commitment to safety. Every ingredient in FlowVeda is 100% natural and organic. Before inclusion in our formulation, each ingredient undergoes rigorous testing for purity, potency, and safety. Moreover, our manufacturing facilities adhere to strict quality control and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards, ensuring the final product is free from contaminants and consistent in quality.

FlowVeda is exclusively available for purchase on our official website, www.flowveda.com. We recommend purchasing from this source to ensure you’re receiving the genuine product. Given the popularity of FlowVeda, there may be unsanctioned sellers or counterfeit products in the market. By buying directly from our official website, you’re not only guaranteeing product authenticity but also availing potential discounts, guarantees, and after-sales support.

FlowVeda is a combination of two essential concepts. The word ‘Flow’ represents a mental and physiological state where individuals experience heightened concentration, clarity, and engagement in an activity, often leading to increased productivity and creativity. On the other hand, ‘Veda’ is a Sanskrit term that translates to ‘knowledge’ or ‘wisdom.’ This word is deeply rooted in ancient Indian texts and teachings, especially within the realm of yoga and holistic well-being. Therefore, FlowVeda symbolizes the amalgamation of achieving an optimal state of productivity (flow) with the profound wisdom and understanding (veda) of one’s mind and body.

A nootropic is a substance specifically designed to enhance cognitive functions in individuals. The term was introduced by Corneliu E. Giurgea, a Romanian chemist and psychologist, in 1972. Nootropics are recognized for their potential to improve areas like memory, attention, creativity, and motivation. Unlike traditional stimulants or drugs, nootropics are characterized by their ability to offer cognitive benefits while possessing minimal side effects and a very low level of toxicity. Their goal is not only to elevate cognitive performance but also to protect the brain from various injuries and maintain its health.

Yes, FlowVeda qualifies as a nootropic. It has been intently formulated to foster conditions that encourage flow states. This is achieved from the holistic benefits of Ayurvedic ingredients, which have been revered for millennia for their mind-body balancing properties, intricately blended with scientifically-backed vitamins and amino acids. Together, these components aid in reducing mental stress, bolstering cognitive functions, and creating an environment conducive for the brain to enter the flow state seamlessly.

The flow state, often referred to as “being in the zone,” is a psychological state wherein individuals become deeply immersed in an activity. During this state, there is an enhanced concentration and complete absorption to the point that external distractions seem to fade away. This intense focus leads to heightened creativity, productivity, and often a sense of time distortion, where hours might feel like minutes. The flow state is inherently rewarding, making people feel fulfilled, a level of excellence pursued by professionals, artists, athletes, gamers and high achievers to optimize peak performance in their respective fields.

FlowVeda stands out due to its unique blend of high-quality ingredients, harnessing the power of both modern science and ancient Ayurvedic wisdom. Our commitment to transparency, sustainability, and clean ingredients ensures you’re consuming a product that not only boosts cognitive function but also aligns with ethical consumerism. Each batch undergoes rigorous testing for potency and purity, affirming our dedication to excellence.

FlowVeda functions by integrating a blend of rigorously researched ingredients, each renowned for their cognitive and physiological benefits. Within days of starting the supplement, the amino acids L-tryosine and L-theanine begin exhibiting their effects, promoting alertness and combating fatigue. As one continues consumption, the benefits from the Ayurvedic components are steadily felt, accelerating to a base level by week six. This continuous and synergistic action of the ingredients lays the foundation for the user to improve the conditions of the mind and body to more easily experience the flow state over time. We stand by our formulation and offer a 60-day money-back guarantee, emphasizing our confidence in FlowVeda’s efficacy.

FlowVeda is designed to enhance the entire spectrum of cognitive functions, improving your biology increasingly over time, and its effects can manifest in various exhilarating ways:

  • Overall Cognitive Boost: Generally, anticipate a refined alertness, magnified focus, enriched memory recall, crystal-clear mental clarity, swift information processing, extended attention span, surging motivation, and an uplifting mood.
  • Social Interactions: Navigate social settings with increased confidence, eloquence, and an enriched ability to connect and communicate.
  • Physical Activities: Whether you’re working out or engaging in sports, feel an amplified motivation, zeal, and stamina.
  • Professional Sphere: Witness heightened concentration, sharper focus, and an innate ability to multitask effortlessly at your workplace.
  • Academic Endeavors: While studying or researching, experience a sustained alertness and an extended capacity to immerse yourself, absorbing information with ease.
  • Competitive Scenarios: Revel in quicker reaction times, bolstered strategic formulation, and an enriched decision-making prowess.

FlowVeda’s unique formulation, being a next-generation nootropic, is tailored to optimize a multitude of brain functions. The result? An enhancement in every dimension of your life, pushing you closer to your peak performance.

FlowVeda is formulated using ingredients with well-established safety profiles. These ingredients do not have any known common side effects for the majority of the population. However, just as with any supplement or health product, individual reactions may vary due to genetics, allergies, or other personal factors. Should you or any consumer experience unexpected symptoms or adverse reactions, it’s essential to discontinue use immediately and consult a healthcare professional for guidance.

Absolutely. FlowVeda is committed to not only supporting cognitive health but also to ensuring a clean and sustainable footprint. Each ingredient used in our formulation is sourced from non-GMO, organic farms that employ sustainable agricultural practices. These practices guarantee minimal impact on the environment, conserving biodiversity, soil health, and water resources. Furthermore, our commitment to transparency is backed by a blockchain system, which ensures every ingredient can be traced back to its point of origin. This level of authenticity and traceability instills confidence in our consumers, assuring them that they are consuming a product that aligns with the highest standards of quality and sustainability.

FlowVeda’s recommended intake varies based on the duration of use. For the first two months, we suggest a daily intake of three capsules before breakfast to establish a foundation in your system. After the initial two months, we provide a flexible dosing regimen to cater to individual needs. You can opt for:

  • Silver Plan: Two capsules daily, suitable for maintenance and mild cognitive support.
  • Gold Plan: Three capsules daily, ideal for moderate cognitive enhancement and routine stress management.
  • Platinum Plan: Four capsules daily, best for those seeking maximum cognitive boost or facing particularly high mental demands.

It’s essential to choose a dosage plan in alignment with your personal goals and health profile.

Yes, FlowVeda is formulated with a steadfast commitment to safety. Every ingredient in FlowVeda is 100% natural and organic. Before inclusion in our formulation, each ingredient undergoes rigorous testing for purity, potency, and safety. Moreover, our manufacturing facilities adhere to strict quality control and Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) standards, ensuring the final product is free from contaminants and consistent in quality.

FlowVeda is exclusively available for purchase on our official website, www.flowveda.com. We recommend purchasing from this source to ensure you’re receiving the genuine product. Given the popularity of FlowVeda, there may be unsanctioned sellers or counterfeit products in the market. By buying directly from our official website, you’re not only guaranteeing product authenticity but also availing potential discounts, guarantees, and after-sales support.

To ensure FlowVeda retains its efficacy, store the bottle in a cool, dry environment, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Make sure the bottle lid is tightly secured after each use, preserving the capsule’s freshness and preventing moisture or contaminants from entering.

FlowVeda is formulated using natural ingredients renowned for their safety. However, interactions with certain medications or supplements can never be entirely ruled out. It’s imperative to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist before introducing FlowVeda to your routine, especially if you’re on prescription medication or other dietary supplements.

FlowVeda is crafted to be suitable for most adults. However, if you’re pregnant, nursing, or under specific medication, it’s essential to seek advice from a medical professional before consumption. We also advise against the use of FlowVeda for children under 18, as the formulation is tailored for adult cognitive needs.

Absolutely. At FlowVeda, we value and appreciate the trust our community places in our products. To express our gratitude, we have instituted a robust affiliate program. When you become an affiliate, you can earn rewards for every new customer you introduce to FlowVeda. To get started or to gather more information about the program’s specifics, please reach out directly to our dedicated team at affiliates@flowveda.com.

Ensuring that FlowVeda remains readily available for our customers is a top priority. Our teams work diligently to manage inventory, and we restock our product regularly based on demand trends. On the rare occasion that FlowVeda is out of stock, don’t worry! We provide an option on our website where you can sign up to receive notifications. This way, you’ll be promptly informed once the product is available again.

Yes! FlowVeda believes in rewarding our community. Our largest discounts are provided to our Flow Club members.  For non-members, we periodically run promotions, special offers, and discounts. To never miss out on these exclusive deals, we recommend subscribing to our newsletter. Additionally, staying connected with us on our social media channels ensures you’re always in the loop about upcoming sales, promotions, or new product launches.

At FlowVeda, the well-being of our customers is our top concern. If you suspect an allergic reaction after consuming our product, we advise you to immediately discontinue its use. Seek medical attention or consult with a healthcare professional to address and diagnose the symptoms. It’s worth noting that while our product is formulated using natural ingredients, individual sensitivities or intolerances can vary, making it crucial to be vigilant and proactive about any unexpected changes in your health.

Yes, FlowVeda is backed by scientific research. We’ve collaborated with leading experts in the field to ensure the efficacy of our formulation. Detailed findings and associated studies can be accessed on our website, providing a deep dive into the science behind our product.

The experience with FlowVeda can vary from individual to individual. Some users report noticeable benefits within just a week, while others might observe changes over a more extended period, often within 4-6 weeks. Consistent use, paired with a balanced lifestyle, often yields the best results.

Absolutely! FlowVeda is formulated to be inclusive. It is gluten-free, vegan, and does not contain soy or other common allergens. We always recommend checking the ingredient list if you have specific allergies or dietary restrictions.

FlowVeda is designed to be gentle on the stomach. However, if you have a sensitive digestive system, we recommend taking it with a light meal to ensure optimal absorption and comfort.

FlowVeda capsules have a neutral taste, making them easy to consume. If you’re sensitive to tastes, the capsule form ensures a straightforward ingestion without any pronounced flavor.

At FlowVeda, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service. Based on customer feedback and reviews, our team has consistently been rated highly for responsiveness, expertise, and dedication to ensuring customer satisfaction.

Absolutely! FlowVeda’s packaging is designed with the environment in mind. It’s 100% recyclable, and we actively encourage our customers to recycle after use. Our aim is to leave the smallest ecological footprint possible, and your participation helps us achieve this.

If you have further questions or need clarification on any aspect of FlowVeda, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our dedicated customer service team. Email us at support@flowveda.com for written queries. If you prefer verbal communication or need immediate assistance, please call our hotline at 1.800.595.7880 during regular business hours. Our team is eager to assist you and ensure your complete satisfaction.

Ensure that you have a stable internet connection and try refreshing the page. If the issue persists, please check if Stripe is currently experiencing any service disruptions on their status page. If all seems fine there, reach out to our customer support for assistance.

There can be several reasons for a card being declined:

  • Insufficient funds.
  • The card has expired.
  • The card doesn’t support online transactions.
  • Incorrect card details entered.
  • Bank’s fraud detection has flagged the transaction. It’s best to contact your bank or card provider for specifics.

Absolutely! Stripe is a globally recognized payment gateway that uses advanced encryption methods to ensure that your payment information remains confidential and secure. We never store your card details on our servers.

For Flow Club memberships, Stripe securely stores your card information using advanced encryption methods to ensure complete confidentiality and safety. We never access or store your card details directly on our servers. As for the charging process, depending on your Flow Club subscription – monthly or bi-monthly – your card will be charged automatically on the day prior to your Flow Club shipment being sent out. This ensures timely delivery and uninterrupted access to the benefits of FlowVeda. Rest assured, with Stripe, your transactions are in safe hands.Top of Form

This is rare and can occur due to a glitch or multiple accidental clicks. Please contact our customer support with transaction details, and we will assist in issuing the necessary refunds.

Yes, Stripe accepts a variety of international credit and debit cards. However, ensure that your card supports international transactions. If in doubt, please consult with your card provider.

Please check your spam or junk folder first. If you still can’t find the confirmation, contact our customer support, providing them with transaction details, and they will assist you further.

Yes, Stripe is compatible with a variety of mobile payment options, including Apple Pay and Google Pay. Ensure that you’ve set up these payment methods on your device for seamless transactions.

Once a transaction is completed, we cannot change the payment method for that specific purchase. However, for future transactions, you can choose any of the available payment methods.

Please reach out to our customer service with the transaction details and purchase information. We will investigate the matter and ensure that you receive the product/service or get a refund.

Refunds processed through Stripe usually return to the same account that was used for the purchase. The processing time can vary depending on your bank but typically takes between 5-10 business days.

FlowVeda aims to provide a seamless purchasing experience. We accept all major credit cards, including but not limited to Visa, MasterCard, and American Express. Additionally, we accept PayPal, which offers added transaction security and convenience. We continually update our payment gateway to incorporate mainstream online payment methods. It’s crucial to ensure your selected payment method is valid and has sufficient funds to avoid processing hiccups.

Protecting your personal and financial information is of paramount importance to us. At FlowVeda, we implement advanced security measures and encryption protocols to ensure all your details remain confidential. Our website undergoes regular security assessments to stay abreast of the latest security best practices. Rest assured, when you shop with FlowVeda, your data is treated with the utmost care and protection.

Upon confirming your order, we prioritize getting FlowVeda to you as swiftly as possible. Typically, orders are processed and dispatched from our facility within 1-2 business days. The delivery itself can take between 3-7 business days, depending on your geographical location and the efficiency of local postal services. Please note that weekends and public holidays might affect this timeframe.

Absolutely. FlowVeda caters to a global audience, and we are pleased to offer international shipping. However, it’s important to understand that shipping durations and costs might vary based on the destination country. Additionally, international shipments can be subject to customs inspections and duties. We recommend checking with local customs regulations to gauge potential additional costs or delays.

Yes, recognizing the need for consistency in cognitive support, we’ve introduced a subscription option. This ensures that you receive your FlowVeda supply without the hassle of reordering. Subscribers often benefit from discounts and priority shipping. However, we believe in flexibility; thus, this subscription can be modified, paused, or canceled anytime through your online account, giving you full control over your deliveries.

We apologize for any inconvenience. If your shipment is damaged, incomplete, or incorrect, please contact our customer service team promptly at support@flowveda.com. Provide your order number, a brief description, and ideally, photographs of the issue. We value our customers, and our team will ensure rectification measures are implemented immediately, either by sending a replacement or processing a refund, based on the circumstance.

Our commitment to quality and safety means that we can only accept returns of unopened bottles. Once a bottle is opened, we cannot guarantee its contents’ integrity. For detailed information on returns, including the duration and process, please refer to our return policy available on our website. [LINK TO RETURN POLICY]

To ensure FlowVeda retains its efficacy, store the bottle in a cool, dry environment, away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Make sure the bottle lid is tightly secured after each use, preserving the capsule’s freshness and preventing moisture or contaminants from entering.
