FlowVeda Benefits

Microdosing, Psilocybin and Quick Fix Nootropics

Microdosing, Psilocybin and Quick Fix Nootropics: Performance-Enhancing or Dangerous Trend? In recent years, the popularity of nootropics and microdosing has surged, driven by a collective desire to enhance cognitive function, creativity, and productivity. Influencers and wellness enthusiasts tout these substances as ultimate hacks to achieving peak mental performance, but the regulatory bodies and scientific community warn against their potential dangers and exaggerated claims. This blog will explore the recent FDA warnings regarding microdosing, the scientific perspective on its efficacy, the pitfalls …

7 Signs You Could Benefit from Performance Enhancing Supplements for Mental States

7 Signs You Could Benefit from Performance Enhancing Supplements for Mental States [caption id="attachment_25240" align="alignright" width="300"] Research has shown the major impact digital and social media has on mental well-being, causing hdightened anxiety, depression, detachment from reality and diminishes a person's focus and ability to concentrate on things within their control and that are of value to them.[/caption] In our relentless digital age, the demands on our mental health and productivity are intensified by constant digital engagement, from social media to television. …

Transient Hypofrontality: Understanding Brain Waves and Activity Impact on Focus

Have you ever been so engrossed in a task that you lost track of time, and your actions felt almost effortless? You, my friend, might have brushed with a state called "flow." But behind this seemingly mystical experience lies a fascinating neurological ballet: transient hypofrontality. The Brain's Pause Button Our brain, as sophisticated as it is, sometimes needs to "mute" certain areas to function at its best. Think of transient hypofrontality as the brain's strategic pause button, especially in its frontal regions. …